BCS Overland Park Reports on the 2014 Jobs Outlook for Executives
Over the weekend Morning Star (Robert Johnson) reported that the labor markets remain tighter than most people might think. Openings have been on the rise, but the available work force is shrinking. Does this make it a “buyer’s market” for the job seeker? Not so, according to BCS.
“The chief culprit of the tight labor market is a skills mismatch. The need to demonstrate transferable skills has never been more important,” according to BCS of Overland Park, Kansas.
Reading the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Job Opening and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) there has been a rise in the number of adjusted private job openings. The BLS report shows that the number of unemployed workers per job opening has been on the decline since 2010, getting closer to pre-recession (2008) statistics.
So where are the jobs? According to BCS the job seekers that follow a well-designed, aggressive marketing plan that includes multiple avenues of search works best. They find that their clients are landing jobs by demonstrating a skills match through their marketing efforts; and by increasing the job seekers network of potential employers.
“Finding a higher level position through the traditional channels of online job boards is very difficult for top talent, as the best jobs are often not advertised, or are created for the job seeker before they are ever made available through any traditional channels,” according to BCS Overland Park spokesperson.
The bottom line seems to be that although the market is opening up; but unless you can expand your existing network, locate the better jobs, and demonstrate your abilities, finding a job in this market is still a challenge.
To learn more about BCS Overland Park Kansas, go to their website www.BCSKansas.com.