Last year, BCS in Leawood, KS (near Overland Park) upgraded their resources by adding One Source iSell to their mix. Now One Source has made significant changes to their software suite, making it an even better resource for the Overland Park area firm’s clients. One Source is now Avention.
Avention has added CRUSH reports. These reports may become particularly valuable to the job seeker because of the depth of information leading to corporate decision makers. By reaching these decision makers, and through the implementation of a strategically designed targeted marketing campaign, the job seeker can not only land a job faster, but can very likely find a better match for their skills and preferred work environments. BCS does not yet have access to these reports, however they may be made available in the future as a Premium Upgrade to their existing service later this year.
BCS and their clients will transition to the newer Avention later this year. The new software has thousands of data points that can be applied to companies. The marketplace of information often used by sales professionals also distinctively fits the needs of job hunters.
The Leawood Kansas location for BCS provides free access to every client. Clients who remain active in job search can use the software for the purpose of job search.
BCS is located in Leawood Kansas (near Overland Park). To learn more about BCS, visit their website at http://www.BCSKansas.com.
BCS Kansas
BCS Overland Park
BCS Leawood Kansas
BCS Executive Search
You can also forward your professional profile along with your resume to BCS via their BCS Kansas website.